Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Something More ......

I've had connections with spirit for as long as I can remember; in my childhood mind I considered spirit as an imaginery friend. I don't remember whether there was a physical manifestation, but I am sure that it was spirit with me; it would listen to me and my thoughts.

Some of the experiences I have had stick in my mind more than others. My imagination has always been strong so I often made up fantastic stories where I was the heroine! Watching programmes about superheroes and people with extraordinary powers I was always a little jealous and wondered if I mighyt devolop a super power one day! I dreamt, so often, about waking up to find out I could fly or read minds. Like Susan Storm*, I really wanted to be the invisible girl.

In those early years I struggled with reality and imagination and because I could hear spirit , I didn't realise I actually did have a special power. Now I see the greatest strength I have is the ability to be me!

Ancient explorers like Christopher Columbus, thought that the world was flat and went on life changing voyages to prove and disprove their theories. In more recent years we have journeyed into space and taken pictures of our planet and the solar system, many of these views are available easily on the internet today.

We have known for centuries that the world is, for all intents and purposes, a giant sphere that takes up a small part of the solar system. Explorers have plotted and explored the surface of the earth many times over and yet we are still discovering new things on an almost daily basis.

We may envy those explorers for the wonderful sights that they see and the new discoveries that they make, but we are more like these adventurers than you might think. Despite what you might think your life is not linear, you do not travel from beginning to end in a single unblemished line! Think of the countless times you have worked your hardest and yet felt like you were going around in circles without getting to the end result! This is not coincidence or choice; this is when Spirit talks to you and takes over for a fleeting moment. Even if you are unable to hear spirit the message is abundantly clear:
"Stop what you are doing. Take a deep breath and step back from the situation. Give yourself a little time and the correct path will present itself."

The next time you feel you are getting no-where, try to remember this and hopefully you will reach your outcome quicker. Even more importantly remember you are NEVER alone, there is always a hidden force guiding and protecting you.
* Susan Storn is the Invisable girl in the Fantastic Four

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